The One Thing

The One Thing by Gary Keller is an influential work that provides readers with a powerful insight into the power of focus. By drawing on both scientific research and personal experience, Keller demonstrates how narrowing one's attention to a single goal can lead to greater success. He further demonstrates how this approach can be applied in both professional and personal contexts, making it applicable to all types of individuals. In doing so, he offers readers a roadmap for unlocking their potential and achieving their goals more effectively.

The Law of Success: Using the Power of Spirit to Create Health, Prosperity, and Happiness

Swami Yogananda's thoughtful guidance and practical tips for achieving success in life were inspiring. He offers a unique perspective on success, stressing that it is not just about money or material possessions, but also about inner peace and joy. The book includes several exercises to help readers identify their goals and develop a plan to achieve them. It provides practical advice and helpful examples to illustrate key points. The book encourages readers to focus on developing their personal strengths, as well as their spiritual connection, to achieve success. 

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey

This book is for anyone looking to make the most of their professional and personal lives. The 7 Habits of Highly Successful People provides readers with a comprehensive look at how to be successful in life and how to stay motivated. The author explores seven core principles, from self-discipline to effective communication, which are essential for success. The book offers practical advice and actionable steps that can be easily implemented into everyday life.

The Success Principles(TM) – 10th Anniversary Edition: How to Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to

The Success Principles(TM) - 10th Anniversary Edition: How to Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be by Jack Canfield is an excellent resource for anyone looking to reach their goals. It provides clear, actionable steps that can be implemented into your life right away. The book is filled with examples and inspiring stories of people who have found success using the principles outlined in the book.

The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Yourself

Michael Singer's book, The Untethered Soul, has been a best-selling self-help title since its publication in 2007. This transformative book offers an empowering guide to personal growth and self mastery that has resonated with readers worldwide.
The Untethered Soul takes readers on a spiritual journey of self realization through mindfulness and awareness. Singer guides the reader through many mental and physical exercises designed to help them break free from painful emotions, limiting beliefs, and unhealthy thoughts that have held them back. Through these techniques, one can learn to awaken their true potential by developing greater clarity of mind, increased emotional resilience, and a deeper connection of inner peace.

The book was recently recommended by Oprah Winfrey who said, "This is not just another self-help book; it’s an awakening call for anyone looking to reach higher levels of consciousness."

The Way of Liberation: A Practical Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment

Adyashanti, a renowned spiritual teacher and best-selling author, has recently released his latest book titled The Way of Liberation. This book offers readers an enlightening journey into the realms of self mastery, self realization and non-duality.
The Way of Liberation is designed to help those seeking enlightenment by offering practical advice on how to access one’s inner truth and liberate oneself from limiting beliefs. Adyashanti stresses that true liberation goes beyond intellectual understanding. Instead, it requires a deep sense of surrender to what he calls “the great mystery” or the source within each individual. He also touches upon various aspects of non-duality to cultivate greater awareness and acceptance within readers.

"This is not a book about spiritual betterment, self-improvement, or altered states of consciousness. It is about spiritual awakening going from the dream state of ego to the awakened state beyond ego as quickly and efficiently as possible."  -- ADYASHANTI

Play of Consciousness

Swami Muktananda's Spiritual Autobiography

Swami Muktananda's groundbreaking book, Play of Consciousness, has been making waves in the spiritual world since its publication in 1974. The book is a comprehensive guide to self-mastery and self-realization through non-duality and understanding of the soul.
In Play of Consciousness, Swami Muktananda provides readers with an insight into the path to eternal bliss, which he states lies within everyone. He explains that if one opens their eyes to their true potential then they can be free from fear and suffering caused by attachment, not only to material goods or the ego but more importantly to their wrong ideas of who they really are. Through this process of inner exploration, he believes individuals can reach a state of enlightenment and self-realization that allows them to experience ultimate happiness and peace.

The teachings in Play of Consciousness have inspired many seekers on their journey toward spiritual liberation.